Frequently Asked Questions

Who can attend TEC?

TEC is open to high school students ages 15-19. Guests attend their first TEC retreat as a guest and may return to help staff future retreats. Many students go on to be involved in serving at numerous TEC retreats after their experiences as a guest.

My friends tell me they “can’t tell me the secrets”, What is that all about?

It is no secret that TEC is all about helping you to know Jesus Christ in a more personal way. However, we will admit that a few of the activities and events of the weekend are carefully guarded secrets. And let’s be honest- who doesn't love a good surprise now and then?

What do I need to bring?

  • Sleeping Bag & Pillow

  • Bathroom Necessities

  • Shower Necessities

  • Clothes for the Weekend (including modest clothing and swim wear)

What not to bring:

  • Cell Phone

  • Tablet

  • Camera

  • Watches

How can my church host a TEC retreat?

TEC is always looking for new churches and youth groups to become involved in our ministry. Please contact us using the contact form listed here on our website.

What are the details?

TEC weekend begins Friday at noon and ends Sunday at 2:30pm. This is a “lock-in” style event and students should plan on being present for the entirety of the weekend. Please consult the guest application form for specific dates and location of the next available TEC. Someone from the TEC staff will be in contact with parents, after the students application has been submitted, for further information and details.